- The weighing scales is not your only marker of success
- The scales is not always a true reflection of how you are progressing
- Your overall weight has many different factors and many reasons why it may fluctuate. It is important not to get emotionally attached to it.
- Take pictures often and take notice of how your clothes are fitting. These will not lie to you.
- You will weigh heavier in the evening than in the morning. This is normal
- You will weigh heavier if you have eaten too many high carb foods. This does not mean you have gained lots of fat it is water weight. This is normal.
- It is normal for your weight to go up and down during the day and also to be different every day. Therefore, we will only track your weight once a week and aim to standardise it as much as possible.
- To track your progress, we have put some rules in place to help standardise your weigh-ins;
1) Weigh at the same time every week
2) Aim to weigh first thing in the morning if possible
3) Aim to weigh on an empty stomach if possible
4) Weigh under the same conditions if possible i.e. if you have broken out the night before or been on a holiday etc. your weight will be skewed slightly. This is normal.