1. Use a weight that you are able to control. For all reps you must be able to bring the weight up and down. Gravity should not play a part.
2. Work through a full range of motion. If you only train in a partial range of motion you will feel that muscle tightening up over time, leaving you exposed to injury.
3. A balanced training split. Ensure no muscle is unworked or overworked. Each muscle group should be hit twice a week.
4. Rest and recover. This applies to between sets and between workouts.
5.Track your volume. Between 10 and 30 sets a week for 1 muscle group is sufficient.
6. Quality over quantity. You do not need to perform 15 exercises and spend 90 minutes working out to see results. 6-8 good quality exercises in a session is sufficient for the majority of training goals.
7. Warm up and cool down. It is boring and easily skipped. If you want to remain injury free do not neglect it. Dynamic movements before training, static stretches after.
8. Consistency. Train often. Build a level of fitness/strength and maintain it. Your body will thank you, instead of leaving patches in your training and trying to make up for it later.
9. Work all primary movements. Push, pull, squat, hip hinge, lunge and carry.
10.By Weight training. The ultimate way to prevent injury before it begins or rehab after an injury.